You Had One Job!

The internet is undoubtedly full of a lifetime’s worth of crap, but every now and then, at the right moment and in the right mood, you stumble upon something that is pure, unmitigated genius.

You Had One Job is such a site.  It features an endless stream of photos and captions, showcasing the world’s most amusing cock-ups.  Signs posted the wrong way round.  Public announcements with major typos.  Product labels stuck upside down.  Mistakes on such a large scale that the mind really does boggle that the responsible party was satisfied that they had fulfilled their duties.  Or maybe they didn’t think that; maybe they saw the sublime humour to be had in a job done so poorly that it brings into question the whole notion of human intelligence.  Who knows.

The site made me chuckle because I had just found out about the latest set-back in our kitchen installation.  Apparently, after “someone” got the kitchen measurements wrong (i.e. our builder), the resulting reshuffle of the cabinets has led to a completely unforeseen hash-up whereby the splash-back and extractor hood of the cooker will overlap the window by about an inch.  Never mind that I had asked the builder over and over to do a dry run with all the cabinets and appliances to see if they all fit and to avoid just this kind of mistake.  What do I know about fitting a kitchen?  Sigh, he only had one job….


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